Since a few months, I use several startup-sequences, shell-startups and user-startups for a better use of my Amiga. For example, if I need a lot of memory or if I want to speed up my Amiga boot, ..., I change my startup-sequence file. With differents user-startups, I can vary the number of assigns. Shell-startups provide me several programming environments (C, E or Java). That's why I've began to number all these files (startup_sequence1, startup-sequence2, ...) and rename it in startup-sequence, user-startup and shell-startup when i want to use it ... I looked for a software which can manage all the startup files but I didn't found any one :-( So I took my courage
in both hands and decided to program my own utility : StartMeUp was born on January 2000.
StartMeUp is e-mailware ; if you like it and often use it, send-us an e-mail to
Please write your name, firstname and type of Amiga you have (processor, OS, ...).
Technical infos
- StartMeUp 1.35 was developed in C (Gcc 2.3.95) on an AmigaOne (AmigaOS 4.0).
- Programming : Glames
- Test : Glames
- Manual : Glames
- Icon : Pounard (Pierre Rineau)
- Traanslations :
- french and english : Glames
- polish : Patryk Dâbrowski
- deutsch : Christian Haldenwang
- StartMeUp V1.35 works only on AmigaOS 4.0.
- StartMeUp was tested on :
. AmigaOne G4 800Mhz AmigaOS 4.0
- Create a directory "StartMeUp" and extract all files of StartMeUpV1_35.lha in it.
New features
- StartMeUp is now AmigaOS 4.0 native: it doesn't work with previous versions of AmigaOS.
- Bugs fixing concerning memory allocation.
- Bugs fixing if there is no selected file and if you click on [Show] or [Remove].
First of all, create all your startup-sequences, user-startups and shell-startups.
Startup files addition
- Choose startup file type you want (startup-sequence, user-startup or shell-startup) by clicking on combo button placed under startup files list.
- Then click on button [Add].
- Choose a file (thanks to button [Browse] or keyboard) and eventually a comment. Click on button [OK]. Startup file (and eventually his comment) are now in the list.
- Note : You can't choose "S:startup-sequence", "S:user-startup" and "S:Shell-startup". Comment is not needed.
Startup files removal
- Click on a file of the list.
- Then click on button [Remove].
Startup files choice
- Click on a file of the list.
- Click on button [OK].
- If reboot mode is enabled, Amiga will reboot ... If security mode is enabled, a window will appear and you should confirm Amiga reboot.
- Notes : You can simultaneously choose a startup file for each type. Be careful if you install a program that modifies a startup file, you should add manually these changes to files managed by StartMeUp BEFORE using again this software. You may loose these changes.
Startup files show
- Click on a file of the list.
- Click on button "Show".
About author
- Click on icon [StartMeUp].
Preferences modification
- Click on button [Options].
- After have choosing preferences, click on "Ok" to use it.
- Notes :
- Four languages are available : english, french, deutsch and polish.
- "Reboot" mode makes your Amiga reboots when you quit StartMeUp.
- "Security" mode makes a confirm window appears before Amiga reboot.
- UntarMeUp V1.11
What ? Tar extract tool.
Who ? For everybody.
With ? AmigaOS 3.5/3.9.
When ? Available.
- UntarMeUp V1.20
What ? Tar extract tool.
Who ? For everybody.
With ? AmigaOS 4.0.
When ? Available.
- StartMeUp V1.31
What ? Startup files management tool.
Who ? For everybody.
With ? AmigaOS 3.5/AmigaOS 3.9.
When ? Available.
- WordMeUp
What ? An arcade/reflection game.
Who ? For everybody.
With ? AmigaDE/AmigaOS 4.0.
When ? Not Available.
- Restore french
What ? AmigaOS 3.9 manuel french translation.
Who ? For everybody.
With ? Tout Amiga.
When ? Available.
Future developments
If you find bugs, don't hesitate to signalate it to us.
If you want to improve a sotfware, send us your requests...
How can you contact us ?
AmigaOS 4.0
The newest AmigaOS version is finally available on AmigaOne. You will find more infos on this topic here.
Find again Amiga spirit in a modern machine:
- Speed.
- Fiability.
- Ergonomy.